Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We ran into some trouble in 3S on Thursday! Luckily, we have great teamwork skills and worked together to solve the mystery!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Much to our surprise, we arrived at school on Thursday morning to find someone else had beaten us there!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

In science, we are currently working on our Building with a Variety of Materials unit. To apply the concepts we've been learning, we decided to build leprechaun traps. What fun!

Poetry Reflections

During L.A. this week, we have been exploring poetry. From goofy limericks to descriptive haikus, we've read many different types of poetry. Our objectives during this theme were to express preferences and respond personally to the poems. The students did a fantastic job!

S.S. Expert Groups on Indian Culture

In S.S., the students were divided into small groups and asked to decide on an element of culture that interested them. Then, they set out to become experts on the element they chose. The students used books and computers to perform  research. Next, they put their information on a poster and taught their classmates all they'd learned. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Do We Deal With A Bully?

In health, we are discussing conflict resolution. Miss Chartrand taught us a game that required us to brainstorm strategies to prevent and stop bullying.

Fraction Centres

Here we are applying our fraction skills to authentic situations. Everyone loves visiting the pizza centre! Our class works very well in groups and loves  centre work.

World Math Day

On March 1, we participated in World Math Day. Online, the students competed against children from all over the world,by  answering math equations. The children really enjoyed seeing the profiles of grade three students from around the globe.

Reading Comprehension Strategies

During our reading lessons, we are currently discussing sequencing. We have learned to recognize  key words that help us put important events in the correct order. This strategy also ties in wonderfully with our organization focus in our story writing. Here we are, doing our best, to sort out a very disorganized story!