Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Craft and games centres in the afternoon!
Making mummies!

Stamping Station

Making monsters!

Enjoying some Halloween treats

Happy Halloween 3S!

Halloween Fun!

Literacy Centres in the morning

Our centres included: identifying nouns and verbs, editing, alphabetical order, and writing Halloween stories.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Social Studies: Quality of Life in Communities Around the World

Our First Critical Challenge!

Step 1: We decided what factors affected our quality of life.

Step 2: Working in partners, we used pictures from the internet to learn how these factors affect people's lives in Peru, India, Ukraine and Tunisia. We divided ourselves into Expert Groups and chose areas to focus on.

Our wonderful educational assistant, Mrs. White, helping out with research.

Step 3: Our Expert Groups took turns teaching the class what they'd learned.

Marvelous Math: What Does 1000 Look Like?

Working together to represent 1000

A Peek Into 3S..

                                                                                  Our Writing Criteria

 No "Monster Words" allowed here!
Showcasing our hard work!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Making Music

On Thursday, October 21, we used the information we've learned during our science unit, Hearing and Sound, to construct musical instruments. What a fun activity! Next up in science: a research project on animal hearing.

Les Bucherons

On Wednesday, October 20, we had a visit from our friends Les Bucherons. They gave an entertaining and educational performance, and even taught us how to make a treat with maple syrup. Yum!

Welcome to our classroom blog!

This blog is a communication tool I'll use to share all of the wonderful learning that takes place in 3S. I have a great class, full of extraordinary little learners, and can't wait to share our experiences with you. Happy reading!View Blog